As the Shroud of Suffering Suffocates the Land mp3 Album by Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement

As the Shroud of Suffering Suffocates the Landby Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement

  • 9 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 42:42


1.As the Shroud of Suffering Suffocates the Land6:52
2.Ascension of Nobunaga4:04
3.Screams of the Genma5:10
4.As the Rising Sun Bleeds4:08
5.Resurrection of the Oni4:43
6.Transcending the Flesh4:33
7.Breaking the Stranglehold of the Apocalypse4:11
8.Unleashing the Tides of War4:20
9.Crumbling the Throne of the Fallen4:41

Also by Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement