L'Enfant Sauvage mp3 Album by Gojira

L'Enfant Sauvageby Gojira

  • 11 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 52:28


2.L'enfant sauvage4:18
3.The Axe4:34
4.Liquid Fire4:18
5.The Wild Healer1:48
6.Planned Obsolescence4:39
7.Mouth of Kala5:51
8.The Gift of Guilt5:57
9.Pain Is a Master5:08
10.Born in Winter3:51
11.The Fall5:25
Outstanding from start to finish. This album is a must for fans of modern technical metal. Its not played at a blistering pace, and its not a shred-athon, but it is THE best album of 2012 in its genre.

Every song is a killer. EVERY SONG. This french 4-piece are masters at their craft. Atmosphere is HUGE, drums are technically outstanding, and the vocals as strong and nasty as ever.