Planetary Coalition mp3 Album by Alex Skolnick

Planetary Coalitionby Alex Skolnick

  • 14 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 1:14:52


1.Island in the Sky6:28
3.Passage to Pranayama8:16
4.Taksim Square5:49
5.Playa La Ropa4:03
6.Django Tango5:08
7.Old World Dance6:16
8.Alla La'Ke2:13
9.Back to the Land6:00
11.Rock of the Ramallah4:38
12.Negev Desert Sunset4:43
13.Return of the Yi People4:51
14.Sleeping Gypsy5:57
Fantastic world ethnic CD by guitar virtuoso Alex Skolnick. Mr. Skolnick has released a very enjoyable album with music from around the world with excellent musicians. This is much different than his playing with his Thrash Metal Band Testament. Here he plays acoustic guitar and all songs have different musical settings. Best songs are: Playa La Ropa (featuring Garbiela & Rodrigo from Mexico), Salto, and Sleepy Gypsy that has an excellent violinist playing along. Much time must have been dedicated to this musical project and shows off very well.

A video should be made with all the studio perfomances since they are outstanding.