Al Gromer Khan Music Discography

Al Gromer Khan

Top tracks

The Enthronement of Hank W (King of Louisiana)from Negus: The Royal Principle4:43
Female Sexuality (enjoyed - reflected - worshipped)from Negus: The Royal Principle15:16
The Crowning of Emperor Haile Selassiefrom Negus: The Royal Principle6:06
The Silent Aspects of Marvin Gayefrom Negus: The Royal Principle6:32
Dance the Negusfrom Negus: The Royal Principle3:20
Das Prinzip Konigfrom Negus: The Royal Principle4:29
Gone to Timbuktu (with Mr C)from Negus: The Royal Principle9:57
African Solutions to Global Problemsfrom Negus: The Royal Principle4:06
Sadness and the Scorpionfrom Negus: The Royal Principle2:24