Call Me Malcolm Music Discography

Call Me Malcolm

Top tracks

we shall meet in the place where there is no darknessfrom Echoes & Ghosts5:27
cheers and self-loathingfrom Echoes & Ghosts3:57
nobody knows anything and nobody learns much eitherfrom Echoes & Ghosts3:30
the snake eats its own heartachefrom Echoes & Ghosts3:37
154bpmfrom Echoes & Ghosts5:24
one cure to the head, two to the chestfrom Echoes & Ghosts3:14
i was never really herefrom Echoes & Ghosts4:40
dahliafrom Echoes & Ghosts2:58
ready, fire, aimfrom Echoes & Ghosts3:50
dead men take no pillsfrom Echoes & Ghosts3:29