Electric Crayon Set Music Discography

Electric Crayon Set

Top tracks

Pete Is Laughing in the Cloudsfrom Laughing in the Clouds3:40
After the Showfrom Laughing in the Clouds5:13
Where We Are?from Laughing in the Clouds5:01
Back to the Spaceagefrom Laughing in the Clouds4:30
Calling on the Cardsfrom Laughing in the Clouds4:22
Moonlit Graveyard, Pt. 1 & 2from Laughing in the Clouds5:46
Dreams of the Rainfrom Laughing in the Clouds4:29
Isthisthewaythatyoufeelthatyouwantmetofeel?from Laughing in the Clouds3:17
Music to Watch Accrington Stanley Byfrom Laughing in the Clouds3:57
Ignis Fatuusfrom Laughing in the Clouds3:44