Shamblemaths Music Discography


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Lat Kvar Jordisk Skapning Teia pts 1-4from Shamblemaths 26:35
Lat Kvar Jordisk Skapning Teia pt 5from Shamblemaths 25:36
Lat Kvar Jordisk Skapning Teia pts 6-8from Shamblemaths 23:41
Lat Kvar Jordisk Skapning Teia pt 9from Shamblemaths 22:17
This Riverfrom Shamblemaths 29:03
Måneskyggefrom Shamblemaths 21:05
D.S.C.H. (8th String Quartet in Cm, Op. 110, mvts 1 & 2)from Shamblemaths 26:22
Knucklecogfrom Shamblemaths 29:55
Been and Gonefrom Shamblemaths 22:11
Conglomeration (Or: The Grand Pathetic Suite)from Shamblemaths26:54