The Beast of Nod Music Discography

The Beast of Nod

Top tracks

Shredding of the Cosmos (feat. Sanjay Kumar, Matias Quiroz, Michael Angelo Batio)from Multiversal7:24
Contemporary Calamityfrom Multiversal5:09
Intergalactic War!from Multiversal5:25
Guardians of the Multiverse (feat. John Matos)from Multiversal5:01
The Latent Threatfrom Multiversal4:58
Call of the Squirrel (feat. Joe Satriani)from Multiversal5:20
The Plan for Multiversal Creationfrom Multiversal5:45
Flight of the Quetzalcoatlusfrom Multiversal5:29
Unleashing Chaos (feat. Nick Padovani)from Multiversal6:05
T.C.T.W.A.D.M.L.C. (The Cybernetic Tiger with a Dorsal-Mounted Laser Cannon)from Vampira: Disciple of Chaos5:33