The Kelley Deal 6000 Music Discography

The Kelley Deal 6000

Top tracks

When He Calls Me Kittenfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!3:23
Total Warfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!1:53
Stripperfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!2:03
Baby I'm Kingfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!3:28
Get the Writing Off My Backfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!2:43
Where Did the Home Team Gofrom Boom! Boom! Boom!3:59
Future Boyfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!2:12
Skylarkfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!4:06
Drum Solofrom Boom! Boom! Boom!0:29
Brillo Huntfrom Boom! Boom! Boom!3:36