A Man, a Band, a Symbolby Various Artists
1.Feeble Screams From Forests Unknownby Tenta7:44 2.Spell of Destructionby Malvento4:59 4.The Crying Orcby Profezia1:08 5.My Journey to the Starsby Masche6:50 6.Stemmen fra taarnetby A Forest5:55 7.Lost Wisdomby Gosforth4:14 8.Naar himmelen klarnerby Pagan Warrior 884:23 9.Snu mikrokosmos tegnby Ancient Supremacy9:23 10.Inn i slottet fra droemmenby Noctifer7:14 11.Et hvitt lys over skogenby Imago Mortis9:07 12.Dunkelheitby Oraculum4:23 13.Die Liebe Nerpusby Sinfonica Notte1:47