I: The Suicide Tree / II: A Rose from the Deadby Botanist
Disk #1
2.Invoke the Throne of Velthemia1:43 5.Forgotten in Nepenthes1:06 6.Aldrovanda Ascendant2:26 7.Chaining the Catechin1:32 15.Euonymous in Darkness1:38 16.Dactylorhiza Elata0:41 Disk #2
1.Convolvulus Althaeoides2:21 4.In the Hall of Chamaerops2:55 7.Sparaxis of Perdition1:26 15.Summon Xanthostemon1:36 16.Asclepias Curassavica1:43 17.Strelitzia Reginae1:55 18.Trillium Recurvatum3:01 22.A Rose from the Dead5:21