1.Igra Narave - Slovenski Genocid4:30 2.Igra Narave - Dej Mi/Sarcasm4:14 3.Igra Narave - Sarajevo By Night3:56 4.Igra Narave - P.P.N.4:33 5.Igra Narave - Pricakovanje2:46 6.Igra Narave - Tell Me Lies3:42 8.Crematory - Road Warriors4:19 9.Crematory - Crematory5:11 10.Crematory - Sarcastic Reborn3:12 11.Crematory - Thrash Tonight3:03 12.Crematory - Love At First Sight4:13 13.Crematory - The Kruger Story4:06 15.Crematory - Runaway2:55 16.Tribute To IVek - Eclipse4:15 17.Tribute To IVek - Don't Care If They Know4:07