4.De Profundis (feat. Sebastian Lohse)3:51 8.Under Burning Halos9:12 10.Dust (feat. DString)4:24 15.Maniacs (All the Ashes remix)6:26 16.Under Burning Halos (BolPaVoX remix)5:42 17.In Mods We Trust (ES23 remix)3:11 18.Goodbye (Chains of Agony remix)5:33 19.De Profundis (Croona remix)3:25 20.All Red Everything (Device Not Ready remix)4:11 21.Maniacs (Almost Dead remix by SpankTheNun)3:44 22.Omnivor (BloodConnek7ion remix)4:51 23.Melancholia (Silence in Machine remix)3:46 24.Goodbye (Morbid Echo remix)8:08 25.Soil (Default Zero remix)3:49 26.This Modern Age (Is Glitched by Covid-19 ReRumix)6:34 27.Monotron (SinThya remix)3:48 28.Maniacs (Mikrometrik remix)5:15