Miklós Rózsa Treasury (1949-1968) (Deluxe Edition), CD12 mp3 Artist Compilation by Miklós Rózsa

Miklós Rózsa Treasury (1949-1968) (Deluxe Edition), CD12by Miklós Rózsa

  • 34 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 1:19:03


1.KING OF KINGS: Theme - Prelude2:32
2.The Holy of Holies1:27
3.Pontius Pilate's Arrival Into Jerusalem2:07
4.The Virgin Mary1:38
6.The Temptation of Christ3:07
7.John the Baptist1:35
8.The Miracles of Christ2:51
9.Salome's Dance4:08
10.Mount Galilee and the Sermon on the Mount2:55
11.The Prayer of Our Lord2:28
12.Christ's Entry Into Jerusalem and Tempest in Judea4:42
13.The Scourging of Christ1:21
14.The Way of the Cross3:00
15.Mary at the Sepulcher2:14
17.Prelude (alternate choir)2:32
18.Sadness and Joy (alternate)1:44
19.Mary Magdalene (added choir) / Answer From a Stone2:13
20.Christ's Answer / The Beheading of John (added choir)2:19
21.Mount Galilee / The Sermon on the Mount / Love Your Neighbor (added organ)8:19
22.The Disciples (added choir)2:45
23.Premonitions (added choir)1:38
24.Agony in the Garden / Judas' Kiss (film version-with choir)4:10
25.Woman of Sin (early version)1:25
26.Woman of Sin (alternate passage #1)0:40
27.Woman of Sin (alternate passage #2)0:53
28.Woman of Sin (film version)2:28
29.Salome's Dance Part 1 (alternate #1)0:46
30.Salome's Dance Part 1 (alternate #2)0:47
31.Signal for Pilate0:12
32.Trumpet Signal for Revolt0:10
33.Shofar Signal for Revolt (with rehearsal)1:01
34.The Prayer of Our Lord (Italian singers performance)2:19