The Lord of the Rings Online: 10th Anniversary Soundtrackby Chance Thomas
1.The House of Tom Bombadilby Chance Thomas1:36 2.Moriaby Chance Thomas2:05 3.Drums in the Deepby Chance Thomas2:20 4.Ages of the Golden Woodby Chance Thomas3:39 5.Learning to Rideby Chance Thomas3:03 6.Horse Lords of Norcroftsby Chance Thomas2:50 7.Khazad-Dûmby Chance Thomas3:28 8.Tears of Nimrodelby Chance Thomas3:30 9.Urgent Errandsby Chance Thomas3:08 10.Hills of the Shireby Chance Thomas2:35 11.Song of the Dwarvesby Chance Thomas3:18 12.The Hollin Gateby Chance Thomas3:23 13.Calm Before the Stormby Chance Thomas3:26 14.Lotro Legacyby Chance Thomas2:48 15.Theme for Rohanby Chance Thomas3:27 16.The Éoredby Chance Thomas1:07 17.Corruption and High Treasonby Chance Thomas3:23 18.Rivendellby Chance Thomas2:04 19.Chant for Sauronby Chance Thomas2:57 20.Boromir's Last Standby Chance Thomas1:05 21.Shadow of the Argonathby Chance Thomas3:08 22.The Entwash Valeby Chance Thomas3:18 23.Orc Huntby Chance Thomas4:25 24.The Grey Havensby Chance Thomas2:18 25.Party in the Shireby Chance Thomas1:23 26.Heart of a Heroby Chance Thomas2:24