The Warrior is a Child / Keepin' My Eyes on You mp3 Artist Compilation by Twila Paris

The Warrior is a Child / Keepin' My Eyes on Youby Twila Paris

  • 21 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 1:14:36


1.The Warrior is a Child4:05
2.Forever Eyes3:35
3.Clearer Vision4:14
4.Do I Trust You4:13
5.Covenant Keeper2:46
6.The Battle is The Lord's2:54
7.We Bow Down2:43
8.Leaning on the Everlasting Arms4:18
9.To Do Your Will2:41
10.Come On In3:59
11.Praise Him3:37
12.We Will Glorify2:29
14.Keepin' My Eyes on You4:02
15.Make Me New4:06
16.I Belong to You2:48
17.Thank You for Keepin' Your Hand on Me2:37
18.It's So Easy3:56
19.I Commit My Love to You4:17
20.If the Feelings Ever Go Away3:57
21.Lookin' Up2:55

Also by Twila Paris