Throne of Heresy mp3 Album by Deathsiege

Throne of Heresyby Deathsiege

  • 12 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 29:28


1.All Roads Spiral Downwards3:36
2.Dehumanized in Darkness2:05
3.Harbringers of Finality2:29
4.Throne of Heresy3:44
5.Satanic Tyranny2:04
6.At the Ruins of Legacy3:52
7.Revelations of Wretched Men1:50
8.Smear Campaign Triumph Eternal2:29
9.Drowned by Murderous Force1:36
10.Poisonous Worlds1:32
11.Unworthy Adversary2:10
12.Siege of Death2:01