1.Sempre que Lisboa canta3:05 4.Fado de VIla Franca2:30 6.April in Portugal (Coimbra)2:31 7.Petticoats of Portugal2:38 10.Les lavandieres du Portugal2:26 11.Nem às paredes confesso3:09 12.Fadistas do Bairro Alto2:17 13.Wonderland by Night (Wunderland Bei Nacht)3:14 15.Happiness Never Comes Too Late (Das Gluck Kommt Nie Zu Spat)2:41 18.Dreaming the Blues3:02 20.The Aim of My Desires (Das Ziel Meiner Wunscase)2:55 21.This Song Is Yours Alone (Diesses Lied Gehort Nur Dir)3:20 22.Drifting and Dreaming (Sweet Paradise)2:33 24.Lullaby for Lovers2:19