3.Prowl of the Snowblood Wolves3:19 4.The Fires of Conquest3:50 6.The Call of the Widu2:57 10.Trials of the Gwarpati4:05 13.Batari's Song of Fire2:56 14.The Bloodfang Sabretooth3:30 16.The Search for Lost Wenja2:38 18.March of the Bloodtusk Mammoth3:29 19.Survival of the Udam3:45 20.The Lost Caves of Oros3:03 23.Hunt for the Great Scar Bear3:22 24.The Flames of Suxli3:18 26.The Altar of Suxli2:28 27.Fury of the Great Scar Bear2:56 28.Attack of the Udam4:17 29.The Beast Master Strikes3:22 33.Takkar of the Wenja4:33