Sunsets & Car Crashes mp3 Album by The Spill Canvas

Sunsets & Car Crashesby The Spill Canvas

  • 12 Tracks
  • 256 kbps
  • 56:43


1.Aim Snap Fall2:38
3.The Tide5:58
4.Your Evil Soul5:03
6.The Night Will Go As Follows5:13
7.All Hail The Heartbreaker5:08
8.So Much5:40
10.Black Dresses7:13
11.Under The Covers4:04
12.Sunsets And Car Crashes5:00


Johnny Golden
The Album that defined the Spill Canvas. So much talent lyrically and focus on guitar its brilliant. They have so much to offer, from the depth of their lyrics to the acoustical adjustments in each song. "The Tide," is in a world of its own. To har,monize and describe the alianation of a divorce and the effects on all thos involved was profound and deep. I will admit that not every breakup ends up that way, but for the three kids and mother involved its important to know that, "Love is the Only thing that matters." This is the second of the two albums, but this one superseeds the first. Nick Thomas has a way with a guitar and his lyrics hit home.