The Collection mp3 Artist Compilation by Joe Jackson
  • 18 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 1:15:59


2.Is She Really Going Out With Him?3:40
3.Happy Loving Couples3:09
4.Fools in Love4:31
6.It's Different for Girls3:46
7.Mad at You6:33
8.Kinda Kute3:34
9.Tuxedo Junction5:22
10.Another World4:09
12.Steppin' Out4:15
13.Breaking Us in Two4:49
14.Be My Number Two4:20
15.You Can't Get What You Want (Till You Know What You Want)4:54
16.Soul Kiss4:46
17.Tonight and Forever2:32
18.Me and You (Against the World)3:54

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Herein lies a definitive collection of Joe Jackson at his best.
The multi-talented singer/songwriter enjoyed success after the release of "Is she really going out with him?" in 1979 before moving into a more jazz meets pop direction in the early 80s.

Jackson not only made good pop songs, but has also composed classical pieces through the course of his career too.
This collection of his music displays punk, jazz, ska, new wave and those classical influences; and each of these shine through at various points of this album.
"Nocturne" for example, is a short classical piano composition, which almost bizarrely, yet naturally, leads into the more punk-rock sounding "Is she really going out with him?" and "Happy loving couples."
"It's different for girls" maintains this style but as this album progresses, the pop-jazz influences begin to become increasingly apparent with tracks such as "Another world" and the much loved "Steppin' out."
Big saxophone arrangements in "Be my number two" and "You can't get want you want" further emphasise this.

Jackson's talent, ability to play a variety of instruments and compose a diverse range of songs; really shine through on every single gem this collection of his finest work has to offer.