Also by Post Malone
This song is super chill but it's also a banger. I like that it is a hype song but it is not all doom and gloom and it doesn't sound like I need to go to the hospital. It's a very slick pop rap anthem that will probably blow up relatively quickly in all honestly. This is one of the better tracks I've heard this year and probably my favorite from Post Malone out of what I have taken the time to listen to. Even though I am not a huge trap fan, I really enjoyed this track a lot.
The chords were beautiful and the melody was spot on as well. It surprises me at points because I didn't think he was going to hit some of the notes he did. And when did hit them they were dope!
The chords were beautiful and the melody was spot on as well. It surprises me at points because I didn't think he was going to hit some of the notes he did. And when did hit them they were dope!