Singles Collected mp3 Artist Compilation by R.E.M.

Singles Collectedby R.E.M.

  • 20 Tracks
  • 320 kbps
  • 1:07:22


1.Radio Free Europe [Edit]3:11
2.There She Goes Again2:49
3.So. Central Rain3:16
4.King Of The Road4:46
5.(Don't Go Back To) Rockville [Edit]3:55
6.Catapult [Live]4:06
7.Can't Get There From Here [Edit]3:14
9.Wendell Gee3:02
11.Fall On Me2:53
12.Rotary Ten2:02
14.White Tornado1:51
15.The One I Love3:18
16.Maps And Legends [Live]3:18
17.It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) [Edit]3:12
18.Last Date2:18
19.Finest Worksong [Other Mix]3:46
20.Time After Time Etc.8:21
I've been an R.E.M fan forever!! My first taste of Michael Stipe's voice was the song "One I Love" back in 1987. He has one of the distinct voices that if he starts singing, you immediately know who it is and that is a rarity.

This was my introduction to Alternative Rock and I love it!! Michael Stipe and crew just keep making great music and became even more mainstream with songs such as "Fall On Me." There are many other great songs not on this album and are so worth checking out!!