Also by Lord Huron
This album is simply AMAZING! A friend described it as ambient folk country. Whatever it is, it is so soothing and peaceful. The lyrics are superbly written with a wild west wanderer theme. I saw them live in Austin and that was a fantastic experience. nine thumbs up
The new album from Lord Huron is one of my favourites from 2012/13. The all american five piece are a folk come 'indie' bank from America. Any lovers of the fleet foxes should definitely give them a try. Lonesome dreams is their latest piece and it is a real treat. The tracks are clad with echoes and chimes bringing fantastic depth to every track with layers of guitar, harmonica piano and so many more interwoven into what proves to be a melancholy tapestry. It isn't hard to identify with the wild west theme running through the album which ties in with their video artwork. All in all an album that is worth having in your music collection if your a fan of folk or 'indie' music.