Also by Mumford & Sons
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This CD is not the best! I am not a fan of music that sounds like I need one tooth and dirt under my fingers and a campfire with roasting squirrel on it. That is the mental picture I get every time I listen to one of Mumford and Sons' songs on the radio. They do have a unique style. I will give them that. I will not be buying this CD anytime soon however. Keep the banjo in the closet please!
Banjo!!! This is what music is supposed to sound like. You can hear the instruments, it isn't so overproduced that you can't make out individual sounds and it grabs your attention. Popular tracks include "Lover of the Light" and "I Will Wait". You can't deny that this album has a religious connotation, yet it doesn't overshadow the work.
BEST ALBUM SO FAR! Mumford & Sons are back baby. It is fair to say their new album is more grown up than the previous, but none of the love is lost. The Mumford & Sons vibe is still very strong with all the brass and plenty of the banjo still left in. Somehow they have bested 'Sigh No More' - their previous album which is no small feat. The fans seem to have thought so too with 'Babel' reaching number 1 in the UK album charts.
One thing that is very prevalent in this album is the use of biblical passages and metaphors. Mumford himself grew up around Christian parents which has obviously come to influence his work. The results produce incredible lyrics which again betters the previous album, as you'll see below in the other reviews the song 'Babel' is a firm favourite. My advice, get this album! If you have bought the previous then there is no excuse, its fantastic!
One thing that is very prevalent in this album is the use of biblical passages and metaphors. Mumford himself grew up around Christian parents which has obviously come to influence his work. The results produce incredible lyrics which again betters the previous album, as you'll see below in the other reviews the song 'Babel' is a firm favourite. My advice, get this album! If you have bought the previous then there is no excuse, its fantastic!
AGREED fellow music lovers this album is perfect! What a surprise! Loved it from the moment I heard it! Hats off to mumaford and sons!!Babel is a favorite trac , also lonesome! What a song great job guys! keep up the good work! Finally somebody who knows what music should sound like bravo!
This album is just perfect, the banjo has never been so sexy. ;) This is by far the best album of Mumford & Sons, and yet the album Sign No More was excellent. I'm usually a fan of Techno trance music, but I literally cracked his boys to British and folk sounds from the heart. Mumford & Sons thank you for your music.
Anik from Québec, Canada
Anik from Québec, Canada
Wow what a great album! I love it!!! Hats off and uber kudos to Mumaford and Sons! Trac One " babel" did in no way fail to impress me! I was not expecting such a fresh sound from these guys!Trac 2 " Whispers in the dxark was also a favorite trac, love those slow tempo soft rock style love songs!Trac 4 " Holland Road" was probably my leat favorite trac on the album.I have to say I was not expecting such great music from these guys but one more time I am surprised!Another shout out to the behind the scenes guys who make caprice mp3 happen so flawlessly ! You have got one happy music lover here!!!