Also by Luke Bryan
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I am really starting to enjoy Luke Bryan. This album is the best yet from this man!! I love the song "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye". It's my absolute fave on this album. I also like "Been There, Done That".
People who like country music should check out Luke Bryan.
People who like country music should check out Luke Bryan.
Wow. What can I say about Luke Bryant? Lovew Him. This new album of his Tailgates and tan lines is awesome!Trac 1 "country girl shake it for me" Is definately a favorite.I love the fast pace of this one and it it is a great song to dance to.Trac 2 "Kiss tomorrow goodbye" Also a great sonf with a mellow soundc and easy to understanmd lyrics. (alwsays a big plus with nme).Trac 3 " Drunk on you" was a pleasant surprise, not your typical sound from this artist, refreshingly mellow.Trac 4 " Too Damn Young"tells a greaqt story of youth and its innocence, always love a great story with my music so yeah!!!!!Trac 5 "Dont want this night to end" did not care tooi much for thisd song, not one of my favoritds but its the first I had anything negative to say about so go figure!Trac 6 " You dont know jack" typical drinking song we have seen done a thousand times but thumbs up to fresh new twist on jack daniels!Trac 7 "Harvest time" makes me want to run for harvest queen in my small home town! great song and idea for a movie! HA! Finale thought, Trac 10 tailgate blues, loved this one.ONE LOVE Red Rene