Also by Queens Of The Stone Age
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They're back! I love the Queens of the Stone Age but aside from the popular songs on their past few albums, for the most part the rest of it can be disappointing. This whole album is solid. While a slight departure from their "stoner rock" era and an infiltration of some danceable beats such as that of "If I Had A Tail", they have not sold out and are still true to the band that they are. Definitely a great album and would recommend it!
This is seriously breathtaking, beginning to end. It starts off with Keep Your Eyes Peeled with sounds like a Lullabies to Paralyze B-side, but other than that are the tracks on here well deserve their place on this fabulous album (besides Smooth Sailing, which isn't really my thing). After KYEP you have I Sat by the Ocean which is a very poppy Queens of the Stone Age track, in a good way. Then you have The Vampyre of Time and Memory, a rough edged piano ballad. You probably never thought QOTSA would make a piano ballad but they make it their own. Then comes If I Had a Tail and My God is the Sun which both sound like they could come from Songs for the Deaf. Then you have Kalipsia and Fairweather Friends, both very moody, melodic tracks. The latter is my favorite song the Queens have ever done. Then comes Smooth Sailing which as I said before isn't my thing (sounds like something from Era Vulgaris which I don't like) but then comes I Appear Missing which feeds into the title track, the PERFECT closer for a perfect album.
Buy this album. It's amazing.
Buy this album. It's amazing.
Queens Of The Stone Age never caught my attention beyond their phenomenal singles of the past 5 albums, but "...Like Clockwork" is where they finally have all my adulation and interest. Why? Because it's basically like a greatest hits of 10 soon to be classic songs. Seriously, "...Like Clockwork" is absolutely phenomenal from start to finish. I think there's something on here for everybody, and really more than enough in my opinion. Every song is essential. Picking a favorite is like picking a favorite child, so I'll just say my top 5 songs from this are "If I Had A Tail", "I Appear Missing", "My God Is The Sun", "Smooth Sailing" and "I Sat By The Ocean". It's perfect for all lovers of good rock and great tunes.
While this album is a departure from the stoner-rock of yester-year, this album creates a haunting and beautiful soundtrack to being lost in the desert.